✨A New Start ✨

 Well, It's been ages since I wrote anything... Things have changed quite a lot. I would say, I have grown up. Not that much actually, but at least I'm not in school anymore. My friends have all gone into their new lives, the days have gone, and the time has also gone, but the memories will always remain the same deep inside my heart...

To be honest, changes are essential:) (I know I have shifted my opinion too fast lol)

And these changes have also taught me a lot. 

Since a few days, I had been observing that I have become too hesitant to talk to anyone. Well, of course, I have come to a new environment with lots of new and ambitious people around me (too competitive), but ideally, it should not hamper me because I am not actually into anthropophobia (just exaggerating). But why then have I lowered my voice? Why have I decelerated my communication? Where is that Sayee who had given a farewell speech in front of almost 200 people-- confidently, elegantly, and most importantly, fearlessly? 

I believe, that whenever you are in a terrible situation, things happen automatically. 

Opportunities walk to your doorstep.

Like one did for me.

My secondary economics teacher called me to take a class for a few of the grade 10th students about exchange rates. At first, I was a bit tense, because every grade 10th student is actually~(let's not talk about itπŸ˜…)But, then I realized, that this is some sort of a magical opportunity to enrich and polish my communication skills again! and then I said "Yes miss, I'll certainly do it" in a known confidant tone. 

The last night, I was frozen with utmost fear and trepidation. While I was preparing for the slides, I was forgetting and fumbling all that I had to speak. My eyes started blurring and my brain started to lose focus. Things were going too wrong. "But these are the times for which you'll be remembered,"  I told myself, widened my eyes, focused my brain, and yes, prepared the way I HAD BEEN PREPARING--confidently, elegantly, and most importantly, fearlessly. And yes, when you give your best, you get the best because you believe in yourself.

 Well, the next day, it all went smoothly! I explained every concept about exchange rates with a cup of accuracy and boldness, another cup of excitement and enthusiasm, a spoon of will, and finally, a tinch of faith in my own self. 

One more tick to the list: I had re-achieved (MY) skill.

So, I know, you would be wondering why am I telling this to you all?

"From every incident, irrespective of theirs or others, every individual must take learnings out of it," 

So, what do you think?



  1. Yayyyy new blog finally it's really great πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  2. Well expressed Sayee. Your will and attitude will take you long way.

  3. Wow! Great piece

  4. Nice write up. I have always seen you taking up challenges as opportunities to grow. Thats grt and you did a grt jobπŸ‘

  5. Waaahh!!πŸ˜ƒ

  6. Amazing Sayee!!πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

  7. Sayee this was so good!! loved reading this fr!! I was seriously such a devotee of your blog cuz your words are seriously so refreshing to me.

    I strongly agree with you on this one, sometimes certain situations do give us a very unpredictable opportunity and the dilemma that it brings along is also very great, but at the end of the day, like you said, what truly matters is us holding onto it and showing our true potential.

  8. Wow, Sayee beta. I ❤ you dear.May Bhagwan bless you. Keep it up.

  9. Awesome sayee keep it up πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘


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